Newark Loan Water Problem,Newark Gets 120 Million Dollars Loan Newark Loan Water Problem,Newark Gets 120 Million Dollars Loan

Newark Loan Water Problem || Newark Gets 120 Million Dollars Loan

Newark Loan Water Problem: Newark Suffering From Water Crisis

Newark Loan Water Problem,Newark Suffering From Water Crisis
Newark Loan Water Problem, Newark Suffering From Water Crisis

Newark Loan Water Problem: According to the sources, news is coming from Newark where the problem of water supply is rising day by day, the whole pipeline system is getting in serious trouble, and all the supply of water through pipelines is getting contaminated with lead, which is very harmful for our bodies.

So Newark has a serious water crisis. The Essex County Improvement Authority lends 120 dollars to the City of Newark to replace the contaminated water pipelines.

“The replacement of water pipes will come without charge to Newark residents,” said Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo Jr.


Authorities said there are 18000 private pipelines we need to replace; all the pipelines are contaminated with lead, and it takes up to 8 to 10 years to fix all the pipelines, but the new funding allows this city problem to be solved in 24 to 30 months.

The mayor of Newark, Ras Baraka, said they have already fixed more than 770 lead service lines, but funding gives us speed to fix the issue. They will use this contract and try to expand it; they also brought some more crews and more project managers to fix the issue. With this funding, we can give more people work. It will speed up the process of fixing it.

Newark Loan Water Problem,Lead Pipe Replacement Project
Newark Loan Water Problem,Lead Pipe Replacement Project

Newark Loan Water Problem: Lead Pipe Replacement Project

The announcement of drinking water contamination came after a week. The official said the water supply got contaminated with lead, and this contaminated water is very harmful to the health of the child. It can also cause serious health issues for the child and can also affect the brain, which is in the developing stage.

The lead-contaminated tap water first reached the Newark radar nearly a decade ago, when a water sample was collected from the school tap water and tested in the lab. Problematic pipes were fixed and replaced, but in 2017, again, they showed the same issue in homes.

Now Newark has announced the distribution of water filters to the residents to fight the contaminated water problems, but after testing the filters, they were not able to remove the lead from the water as expected. After that, Newark started offering bottled water to 14,000 households that may be using lead-contaminated water.

However, those who are not able to purchase bottles are forced by neighbors to rely on bottled water, which has several effects on their income. Now the official has started to fix all the pipelines, and after getting the funds, the process will become faster than before.

Newark Loan Water Problem: Step in the right direction

The pipe replacement plan will be followed by Newark to fight the problem. They are continuously testing the water, and after obtaining the funds of 120 million dollars, they are now able to purchase the good equipment and provide more labor for work.

Also, they will get AAA bonds, which come with a lower interest rate, so they will save more than 15 million dollars in interest. They are now in the right direction, and we hope they can fight the water crisis quickly.


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