Piracy Websites Have Increased by 12, Pirated Content Grew [2024]

Thakur Dilaawar Singh
6 Min Read
Piracy Websites Have Increased by 12%

Pirated Content Grew Up, Piracy Websites Have Increased by 12

The number of users on the internet was increasing rapidly, and as it increased online piracy started to bloom, the quantity of pirated video and audio services day by day, and digital media used rapidly boosted and the number of downloading this time of digital media also extended.

Piracy Websites Have Increased by 12:- These pirated videos and audio are easy to access, not require any further amount so lots of internet users download them, and use them according to their uses, from MUSO analysis, MUSO is none other than a famous U.K.-based anti-piracy analyst and Kearney and a consultancy, who show how much piracy get enhance in few years.

According to their report, the number of visitors the pirated websites reached 141 billion in the year 2023 and the estimation of the daily visits is around 386 million, Which is 12% more than in 2019, this is a big issue now.

Latest news- Piracy Websites Have Increased by 12% in the past 5 years
Latest news- Piracy Websites Have Increased by 12% in the past 5 years

Piracy Websites Have Increased by 12 in the past 5 years

What is Piracy? Piracy is an illegal activity, it is a kind of robbery, or using data without the permission of the owner, When a movie comes if you watched it online without paying anything or you downloaded the movie from a different pirated website it become piracy, You are accessing a thing without asking or permission of owner which is a violation of laws.

Digital Piracy:- Not only movies, if you download the software without permission or you download a paid tool free of cost, but this is also known as software piracy, if you purchased software from a legal website you need to pay an amount to get copyright or ownership. But nowadays no one wants to pay an amount for this software they simply search for the name of the software and want to download the free version of this software.

If you share digital content or copyrighted content through any file-sharing network or torrenting, which means without the permission of the owner you are sharing the file with others which is also included as illegal activity.

Pirated Content increases day by day 

Latest News Piracy Websites
Latest News Piracy Websites

All the legal systems and international agreements are trying to combat this piracy system and they take lots of action to avoid piracy, But it become very difficult to fight this problem the number of users is increasing day by day. Lots of piracy takes place in the U.S. and India, according to an analytical report piracy is increasing rapidly and is spreading through Europe and Asia Pacific. In Asia, there were an average of 34 visits to pirated websites in 2023 as compared to 26 piracy visits a year in North America.

The reason behind this piracy is the growth and misuse of technology, In the past five years the growth of pirated content in rapidly bloomed, if you compare it to the last 10 years then the amount of pirated content is more enhanced in the year 2023, by the piracy reason lots of trouble will cause by the owner they did not get the true value of their product which they are made, by their hard work.

Nowadays, piracy become so much normal and the users of pirated streaming are billions, In India 80 % of users now use pirated videos, and downloads between the years 2022 and 2023.


The website surely does not guarantee the 100% accuracy of the figures. The above information is sourced from Google and various websites/ news media reports.

Copyright Disclaimer: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, teaching, scholarship, comment, news reporting, education, and research.

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